David Lamb
Presented by Charlotte Geerdink and Bagdagul Temur
Bagdagul Temur Maiden Speech
Arno van de Sijde
Philippe Roose Maiden Speech; Visit by Paris Foch RC
Stefaan Depypere, Director International Ocean Governance European Commission & Chairman International Commission for the Atlantic Tuna Introduced by Oliver Drewes
Roxana Vilcu is one of the organisers of a mentorship programme which includes a work placement for young Romanian students. Introduced by David Lamb
Charlotte Geerdink maiden speech
Peter Kerstens, Adviser Cybersecurity, DG FISMA, European Commission Cybersecurity & Cybersafety Introduced by Oliver Drewes
Introduction to Speakapp - Philippe Roose
Charlotte Geerdink Maiden Speech
Hendrik de Hertogh
Prof. Dr. Alexander Wilmer, UZ Leuven: End of life decisions in intensive care (introduced by Oliver Drewes)
Phebe Dudek
Pierre Gurdjian, President du Conseil d’Administration ULB Ex Managing Partner McKinsey Brussels
Emily Bogen, European Start-up Network (Intro David Lamb) Building Belgian Bridges: Education, Empowerment, and Entrepreneurship for the Underprivileged.
Dr. ir. Bart Vannieuwenhuyse (introduced by Luc Thomas) Lessons learned from horizontal collaboration in logistics: experience from a logistics innovator
Introduced by Michel Deboeck The situation in Syria; How about the Future ?
Philippe Vansteenkiste (Introduced by Unico) V-Europe – Victims of Terrorism Association
Draft Programme:
Aline Schurgers on TaKeTiNa: four decades of music, a new kind of rhythm education and therapy. Introduced by Philippe Roose This is followed by an update on the social entrepreneurship programme 'Molengeek'
Maiden speech of new member Tibor Sharf
17.00 - Launch public campaign ChangeOurGame by Alderman Ann Gilles-Goris and Unico van Kooten (PlayandPeace) 17.07 - Announcement main sponsor RWDM Girls P1 by David Lamb, President of Rotary Club Brussels Cantersteen. Handing over RWDM Girls T-shirts by designer Jacques Koeweiden to J...
Bezoek Rotary Coudenberg
Speaker Philippe Roose & Bert Van der Wee New Member Dominique Byvoet & Siegfried Leffler
Maiden Speech of Roxanna Nedelescu & Baydhir Badjoko
Henri Ghesquiere “The success story of Singapore” (introduced by Dominique Byvoet)
Pim Van Ballekom, Vice President of the European Investment Bank (EIB) in Luxembourg (introduced by Oliver Drewes)
David Wright, President EUROFI, former dep. Director General European Commission & Secretary General IOSCO (introduced by Oliver Drewes)
Statutory Meeting
This will be a celebration of Scotland's national bard, Robert Burns, with traditional toasts including 'To a Haggis', to his immortal memory and 'to the lassies'.
Visit by Governor Marc Bosmans