H.E. Jürgen Meindl, Ambassador of the Republic of Austria to the Kingdom of Belgium and to NATO
mardi 12 novembre 2024 19:00-21:00, Stanhope Hotel, Rue du Commerce 9, 1000 Brussels
Site internet: http://www.thonhotels.com/our-hotels/belgium/brussels/stanhope-hotel-brussels/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=infoboks&utm_campaign=GMB
Conférencier(s): Mag.iur. Jürgen Meindl started his work as Austrian Ambassador to NATO in September 2023. Before that, he worked as head of the art and culture section in the Federal Chancellery and the Federal Ministry for Art, Culture, Public Service and Sport.
Previous positions took him as Ambassador to Belgium (2015-2017) and Switzerland (2011-2015). From 2002-2006 he was Deputy Head of Mission in Berlin and from 1999-2002 Deputy Head of Mission in Tel Aviv. From 2007-2008 he was Foreign and European Policy Advisor to the Federal Minister of Defense and from 2008-2011 Deputy Head of Cabinet to the Federal Chancellor (focus: foreign/European policy, government coordination).
His professional career began as Head of Department for cultural initiatives, cultural management, mediation and public relations at the Federal Ministry of Culture, Arts and Science (1991-1994).