“A resilient and sustainable EU – how can the European Court of Auditors conribute?” by Helga Berger
mardi 1 octobre 2024 19:00, Stanhope Hotel, Rue du Commerce 9, 1000 Brussels
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Conférencier(s): Helga Berger has been the Austrian Member of the European Court of Auditors (ECA) since 2020. She started in Chamber V (Financing and Administration of the Union), where she was responsible for the chapter of the annual report on financial management and the special report "Protecting the EU budget - Better use of blacklists needed". In January 2022, she moved to Chamber II (Investment for Cohesion, Growth and Inclusion). There she was responsible for the chapter of the annual report on cohesion, resilience and value, as well as working on a review of the regularity of cohesion spending. In December 2023, the ECA published the special report "Public procurement in the EU - Less competition for contracts awarded for works, goods and services in the 10 years up to 2021", for which Helga Berger was rapporteur. In March 2024, she took over as Chair of the Quality Control Committee of the European Court of Auditors and is Chair of the international Panel for Standard Setting of all Supreme Audit Institutions worldwide (PSC). Prior to this, the Carinthian-born lawyer worked as Director General Budget at the Austrian Ministry of Finance, at the Austrian Court of Auditors and as a criminal judge. She has more than 20 years of professional experience in the areas of planning, implementation and control of public finances.
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Date limite d'inscription: mardi 24 septembre 2024 à 17:00
Nombre max. de participants: 50